Get Apple?
Should I Use Apple?
Being a long time Android and Windows user I used to always try and resist Apple although I had to admit that the iPad we had in our family was good. Although Apple are often expensive their devices and especially they're software are well made which makes them extremily reliable and easy to use. Apple really posishes their software and devices before realeasing them making them easy to interact with and get things done quickly. Whilst Android and Windows devices can also be very fast I find they often overcomplicate things and can often play up for unbeknowened reseasons.
The main attractive points for me however when giving my reasons for moving to and staying with Apple would be the callaboration between devices which mean a webpage you are browsing on your iPad, iPhone or Mac can be quickly picked up on one of the other devices and a photo or document can be scanned straight from your phone on iPad onto a document on your Mac. Apple devices also enable phone calls and texts to be picked up on the devices closest to you and also allow text codes for login screens to be autofilledd straight from your iPhone.
When buying Apple products the main thing your paying for in my opinion is the software. Apple engineers always seem to do an excellent job of perfecting their hardware and software selling a solution that "just works" unlike the competition that often promises a lot but delivers a subpar features. App crashes and gliches rarely happen with Apple and you can relieably get on with what you want to do without being confronted with the endless choices which Android and Windows give you.